Monday, April 6, 2015

Marcy Place--the place for my mom!

Finally, I was able to arrange to put my mother in an assisted living facility!  It took an act of Congress almost, but it is done!  My sister has power of attorney over my mom's financial issues, so I had to wait for authorization before any of this could take place.  Still, there are some loose ends that keep cropping up but, all in all, I feel much relieved to have gotten this done.  I hope that she will adjust to it; she seemed like she would at first, but then I went on a trip (my first real break in months!).  After I came back, Mom was back to her ol' self--whining ad nauseum!  I guess everyone needs a hobby--my mom's is complaining and belittling me~!!  My sister hasn't been much help with any of this; finally my nephew helped us get her moved into the facility with her furniture.  It was 10 days after we paid the rent; of course, Mom complained about all the days that were wasted as a result.  Now she isn't eating much, although she never did anyway, but they have really good food there.  All home-cooked and very delicious, as far as I know.  Also, she knits and they asked her to teach a class, but that never panned out, apparently.  Oh, well, what can I do?  I am not a miracle worker and I have been handling all this responsibility for over three years now.  I got really sick and tired of being the one that does everything...things I don't want to do, but had to.  However, sister dear does whatever she wants and everything revolves around her.  She has never in her life had to do anything that she didn't want to do; lucky her.  'Nough said!! Right?