Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Wind Never Stops!

This is one of those years that the wind goes on and on; you think that it will never stop!  Also, no rain for quite some time and what little we did have was of no consequence.  Although, the rain barrel must have caught a lot as I am still using it to water some of my plants outdoors and indoors.  The oil field is going to use up all our underground water because they are "fracking", a more modern type of drilling.  They can drill a well in no time and move on to the next location within days of starting one.  This is not like the old days!  The oil field has always been someone in our family's livelihood, either directly or indirectly, ever since I can remember.  My father worked for a refinery and so did my husband.  One uncle owned his own pumping company and another owned an oil company!  My husband can no longer work for the refinery, as his health became so bad that he had to get on disability.  Isn't it ironic that the very thing that made a good living for many family members is now the very bane of our existence.  It doesn't benefit us at all now to have an oil boom going on; it doesn't make my husband's disability check get any bigger.  Our rent is going up regularly; everything we have to buy now is very expensive, including gasoline!  We have to eat and we need gasoline for our vehicles, so we are basically a slave to the oil industry.  Virtually everything around here depends on that!  I don't like this millennium at all!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Burden Named "Mom"

Why is it that I became the chosen one to be Mom's caregiver?  I came back home in 2004; Mom wanted me here after the horrible experience with my middle sister and brother-in-law living in her home.  I was gone for 6 years and during that time my dad passed away (2000).  Mom had been living with my youngest sister as nanny for my nephew in another city.  She still didn't come back home until the next year; my middle sister and hubby had already started remodeling the house and were living there, best I can recollect.  My mom called me a lot and told me things that I didn't like.  Although, my sister and brother-in-law finally moved to their own home after some big blow-up between all of them, Mom still wanted me here.  I came back, got a really good job, found a new boyfriend!  However, things were not harmonious for me living with Mom.  Finally, my now-husband insisted that I come live with him and I considered it for months before I actually moved in with him.  Now my husband is the persona non grata around these parts.  My middle sister passed away and my youngest sister has the only good husband in the bunch, according to Mom!  And this brother-in-law is not my nephew's father; his real father is a jerk!!!  Anyway, my youngest sister has lived in another city for years and she is truly blessed that she never moved back here.  I, on the other hand, am itching to get out of here, once again!  This time I want to be really close to water, especially the ocean!  I want to be able to enjoy my autumn years without having to wait on somebody and clean their ass!  I am now thinking that by the time the Lord takes my mom, I will be too old to enjoy the yard, as it is too big!  That is my only salvation right now and I am slowly losing interest in it.  Without rain, we are in dire straits!  I have half a mind to just let everything go back to its natural state, but I can't stand weeds!  I dig them for therapy and burn them when I am able.