Tuesday, January 20, 2015


My mom has finally hurt my feelings in front of friends!  I wasn't sure about something she said a few days before, because then I wasn't paying that much attention.  However, yesterday proved to be what I had presumed!  My mom truly believes she only has one grandson!  She doesn't acknowledge my son much, if at all, but when she even said that to the neighbors, I quickly interrupted her with a statement about the fact that she had forgotten she had another grandson!  Her reply:  I only saw him once or twice!  That is certainly not true and how embarrassing that is in front of other people.

My son is a very good person and, if my mom didn't get to see him that much, that is my fault!  I take the blame for that, but don't disrespect my son!  He came right out of me and she acts like I just found him on the street or something.  Just because she raised her other grandson for 9-10 years, she has this delusion of some sort.  Well, my parents were raising my daughter for a few years also; I felt that she was safer and better off with them at the time.  They adopted her at a young age so they could register her in school, as I had moved away and was having another baby with my new husband.  That was admirable of them and I have never wanted to bring up any ill will, but sometimes it is there.  While my daughter was in their care, she was in an accident and passed away.  She was unsupervised at the time, as both my parents were working and one of my sisters was going to check on her during that short period of time she was alone.  It doesn't take long for tragedy to strike when it involves children.  It has been a very long time ago since that occurred, but the memory is still very fresh!  My dad has since passed away and so has that sister, however Mom is still here and becoming more of a burden than ever.  The sister with the other grandson is of very little help in the care of an elderly parent.  I rarely have a day off and, when I do, I must work my schedule around someone else.  I cannot go on much longer!  Things must change or something drastic might happen!