Friday, February 5, 2010

Tempus Fugit!

It is true! Time really does fly, even when you are not having fun! Lately, life has been no picnic and, if it wasn't for the yard work with my mom, I would have already gone crazy. My husband's drinking got way out of hand last weekend and it was a living nightmare. So far he has been behaving but this has happened before and once I let my guard down -- surprise! he starts it again! So...I have not let my guard down yet and I feel almost in a depression state of mind. He is oblivious to it and besides the fact that he drinks way too much when he does, he is a major slob. People at work even have a nickname for him that isn't flattering. He doesn't even care! Oh, well, I guess after all this time I have resigned myself to fact that he sure isn't going to change and I have been through enough divorces to know that won't help either. I won't give him one; I'll just have to outlive him!! (I hope!!) Enough of that drivel! I should close this blog on a happier note, so since I am having a B-day coming up soon, I will bid all a fine farewell. Maybe I can write more before several months go by again!