Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Saga Continues!

Well, this is several months later but my animosity toward my youngest sister continues to fester!  I can't seem to bring myself to be around her anymore when she is here to visit Mom.  I think that I finally figured out my rationale for this behavior.  I am on the defensive and fear that, if I let my guard down, someone will take advantage of me once again.  Lord knows, the nightmare is still fresh in my memory.  There are constant reminders out in my mom's yard!  And I have to work out there most everyday; I can't stand being in that house for very long at a time.  The yard is still my sanctuary but it can be difficult to keep up at times.  I finally got all the careless weeds dug up but there is plenty more weed eating and mowing to do.  Also have some creative projects for days when things are "caught up".  Of course, when my youngest sister shows up, she seems to do things that invade my territory.  It just makes me angry all over again and this is not good for my stomach.  And being my mom's caregiver is something I do not really enjoy.  I have done enough nursing and care giving in my life and I am burned out!  My husband is another story completely, but he can sure pull some stunts to make my life a living hell.  These drinking binges every two weeks are getting to be a bad habit and I really don't look forward to his next bout.  I am cranky a lot!