Sunday, May 4, 2014

Money Ain't Everything!

Why is it that some people think they can just throw money at you and make everything better?  I used to think that it was important to have plenty of money; it seemed that in the old days there was never enough.  I have gone through some pretty lean times in my life and now I have no money worries whatsoever.  But...I am not happy with my life right now.  I would rather be as poor as a church mouse, but be somewhere that I would just love to live.  Some place where rivers, lakes and streams are plentiful and rain comes more than just occasionally.  My sister-friend lives in a great place by a lake; a small but rustic cabin just barely big enough for her and her dogs.  She is barely making an existence, much less a living wage, but she is where I would give anything to be.  I want that for me right now; I want to spend my autumn years in a place where I can feel at peace with the world.  Right now, I am up super-early because of my weekly stomach ache.  I feel like I am under duress most all the time.  I pray for things to be better; I ask God for help with this daily.  I know I don't deserve the blessings that God has given me, but I need some peace of mind.  Instead of feeling blessed that my mother needs me to care for her, I just feel resentment.  I feel more like a slave than a caregiver, because my mother disrespects me on a daily basis.  She has been paying for my services, but I don't think that gives her the right to be condescending.  I am the only one she sees most of the time.  I finally took my friend who has been my neighbor for years over to Mom's to introduce them, as they had never met before now.  The few friends that did come over to visit at Mom's no longer have the time or whatever to drop in these days.  I sometimes feel isolated because of this; I often times feel guilty because I think that they don't want to be around me, rather than Mom.  My own sister is coming to visit less and less since my middle sister passed away.  That definitely makes me like I have been abandoned; all the weight of my mother's care falls on me basically.  My husband is not sympathetic to my situation; I cannot vent to him about my feelings of resentment.  He doesn't want to hear any "bitching".  His brother takes responsibility for their mom; he doesn't want anything to do with his own family.  Sometimes I wonder if our marriage is going to last, but I feel like I am too old to consider getting a divorce.  I am so tired of this life that I just don't have the strength to break away from all this.  I sometimes wish that I could be with my middle sister; I guess you could say I am depressed.